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                                                                      Get Album here
Rymsta Ray is more than just a contemporary artist, fashionable and upwardly prolific; He is outstanding in being a Rap Music Minister who is deliberate about spearheading new things through good music and always taking performances to an exceptional echelon.  
Interestingly, my first reaction to the album ‘Raynaissance’ was the need to get answers to the question on your inquisitive mind right now. What does the title of the album ‘Raynaissance’ mean? 

Rymsta Ray says Raynaissance has a dual connotation; the first is an allusion to the Renaissance era, a period when there was revival of classical arts, literature and architecture in Europe. Indeed the album truly is a revival of good music. The second meaning is the play on words, Renaissance means “Rebirth” so Raynaissance means “The rebirth of Rymsta Ray”. Please read more on the exclusive e-interview with Rymsta Ray here: e-dialogue with Rymsta Ray

Raynaissance has an audaciously optimistic energy that is undeniable in all of the 12 tracks in it. We know that words are spirits and spirits don’t die so the solid punch lines, rich lyrical content, great dance moves and prophetic declarations are blessings flowing through the album.

Beginning with the song ‘Awezzom’ the lines give great accolades to the maker of everything. Our God who blesses us and makes people wonder where we come from. The scripture Proverbs 4:18 says “the path of the just is as a shining light, it shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day”. This leaves no doubt as to the expectation/portion of the artist and everyone that listens to his music, which of course cannot be cut short. Faith is also greatly on display in this track because of lines like “I believe, I believe, I cannot recant…” yes! Being on a take-over mission means there is no turning back.  

‘Ororo’ is the 3rd track in the album. This has to do with knowing who you are and what your inheritance entitles you to. Oiling the wheels of outstanding success takes deep knowledge. Doing exploits because of the anointing is deeper that the talk of some mere physical oil. It is of the abundance of Christ that we receive, the full measure of the spirit of God, the anointing that destroys every impediment, the anointing for high finances, the anointing to do exceedingly, abundantly above all human expectations and limitations is what this is about. 

Rymsta Ray changes the popular public opinion about love. “Love is not blind coz it makes my sight clear.” True love said at creation ‘Let there be light’ so if you ask me, I totally agree that the brightness of the shining light that love brings drives away every darkness.

While working on this album review, I felt the need for some military knowledge about corporal punishment which I combined with the understanding that good is constantly at war with evil. In the track ‘Ororo’ where Rymsta Ray goes “Feeding daily on the scriptures, see chaw, bringing demons to their knees, kneel down” it gets so powerful when you picture yourself in full military uniform commanding an enemy to “kneel down, hands up and close your eyes” J No offence to people raised in homes, schools and institutions where that form of discipline is still preferred.

Musically, fans of Rymsta Ray will notice stylized and unique dance-party-rap pattern. The perfect blending of multiple music genres puts the zing in the album
The next track that excites me is track 5 titled ‘Sinima’. We @themusopole call it “the 04:09 movie” (The four minutes, Nine seconds movie) because when you hear “show you my passion…show you what am about” you just keep your eyes on the screen. A message for Christians who stay away from the world or the people adjudged sinners…by all means necessary, Rymsta Ray makes music that reaches the unchurched without bashing them with religion, but a beautiful relationship with Christ. By the same stroke, ‘Sinima’ also ministers to artists who erroneously believe they must join the band-wagon of getting wild, talking dirty, doing gangster, corrupt or nude stuff. “I don’t have to sagg my pants or wear durag…” You can be in the limelight with ‘all eyes on you’ yet you stay decent, morally upright and sane. Keep “Living for the truth and the life”.

‘Chikopokopo’ and ‘Jubilee’ are tracks particularly seasoned for every country, home, business, relationships or individuals experiencing any kind of unpleasant process. Rymsta Ray is forceful in putting out his beliefs. Scriptures say “you shall have whatever you say” so the challenge here is to keep saying what you want to see, not what appears to be happening. #MightySupply #WorkingsofMiracles “All of my needs, I just know that my lord shall supply”. It takes great faith to speak words of rest and comfort always. If we understand that we create our world with words then we choose words carefully and get consistently deliberate. 
My favorite set of lines in the track ‘Jubilee’ is this: “The sons are manifesting, aint no second guessing, living in the blessing that be my story” whoa! It’s got a ring to it. I believe there is a particular literary appreciation to that kind of combination that feels like a knock-out punch. More like playing the game mortal kombat and feeling like this is what you do when you hear ‘Finish Him’
Image result for rymsta RAY
‘Chikopokopo’ replicates the speed of a private jet or some superfast space ship. “…serve a God that doesn’t need a runway…” then you will have protocols removed for your good. Everything about your life will be such that things always happen in multiples of miracles. #Signs and #Wonders
At track 6 ‘Ratata’ Rymsta Ray lets everyone in on his big secret “these tongues changed my life.” If change is of the essence and I get to a point where I desire a change or a shift in state I say to myself “your mouth’s a tool so powerful, put it to use…i speak in tongues, i see results.” Invariably, whenever the question ever crosses an inquisitive mind- what is the secret of Rymsta Ray’s success? There you have it. ‘Ratata’ is a song about praying in the Holy Spirit with words and in languages beyond understanding. This is a powerful and effective gift. A daily upgraded ammunition for spiritual counter-terrorism.
The #takeover #Ororonation speaks of people that have their lives changed for good. They’re covered because of the #Bloodinsurance “Don’t have to struggle, don’t have to move a muscle” “I get new employee, see money na my latest servant” Yea! Making money, taking money out of money, getting rich and prosperous is not an option but we know that we must put God over everything because the surest assurance is by getting insured by the blood.
In the Raynaissance album, Rymsta Ray puts up the shutters with ‘Rich N Rychus’. The arrangement of words is extremely danceable and groovy. It is true that such mainstream success is achievable with a continued firm stand for faith and righteous lifestyle. It is the blessings of God that brings true riches with no sorrow added.
The Album Raynaissance by Rymsta Ray is highly recommended.
Available on itunes 
The music is judged perfect for excellence in the sync. of rich positively worded content, amazing production, great sound, and feel-good-continued happy effect each track gives.
We @themusopole customarily pray for artists. Our prayer for Rymsta Ray is that the Godly meteoric rise to fortune and fame remains his story.
“God’s love is meteoric
His loyalty is astronomic
His purpose titanic
His verdicts oceanic” –Psalm 36:5(MSG)


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