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Dear Mama: Using 2pac’s rap lines to appreciate my mother.

My personal resolve to staunchly rank 2pac one of the greatest and most influential rappers of all time isrooted in my passion for great literary content and the use of powerful words to communicate deep emotional realities in stories that have past, present and future effects around my world.

True love and affection is effectively depicted in the relationship between a mother and a child. 

All other things being equal, without any of the negative and absurd circumstances of birth and living standards, parental love, care, affection and commitment is perfect.

Am connected to this song passionately because the very first few words directly speak of my own experiences growing up “when I was young me and my mama had beef” consistent misunderstandings and disagreements were all part of my childhood. My mother tried to raise me good but my revolting nature was something else.

A family of three boys, me, the boy in the middle, always wanted to take a position, prove a point or get strategically identified. I had my first major fight with my mother because she was going to stop me from listening to my favorite rapper whose song now inspires these #AnimateExpressions  

I now gratefully say to my mother “you’re appreciated” because truly, “Aint a woman alive that could take my mama’s place”. My wife and kids have my heart, my love and everything. It is my responsibility to do the needful in order to adequately make and raise a happy home but the love for my mother cannot be replaced or impeached. “’cause through the drama I can always depend on my mama”

I do not particularly agree with the lines in the second verse of the rap track “Dear Mama” by 2pac because my father was always there for me, protecting, loving, caring and instilling discipline in me. 
I understand how that several reasons account for abandonment, lack of care, absentee attitude and total hate that some homes experience. No reason is good enough to excuse a father who does not love and care for his home and I can relate with friends and family members whose fathers were cowards and so they felt nothing because really when a parent is a total stranger, it is difficult for the feelings to develop or grow.

To parents that daily ensure that there’s no limit to the things they do to keep their children happy, I say “you are appreciated”.


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